Thursday, February 5, 2009

Blogging time again! It's another update of my wacky and not-so exciting life written on a keyboard. As they always say; another day, another nickel. Seems like it's going to be a long break for this entire week for me, no school on Friday, Monday and Tuesday. Five days of break with all the R&R I can have, isn't it just sweet?

Thursdays, one of the days I've always never liked. Luckily this isn't one of those cursed Thursdays I'm going through, here's how it went;

The best thing about having teachers from ITE is they constantly have seminars and lectures to "improve" on themselves. I don't know about them, but I feel those are just kinda a waste of time. I mean seriously, how many good teachers ITE has produced over these years? I'd say none, because 80% of them are just sideshow rejects.

Anyway, the morning Lifeskill class was rescheduled to God knows when and I get to wake up later than usual. Well, I couldn't sleep much and I woke up quite early, spent some time surfing the Net and having some good times on my PS3 before going to school.

Class as usual for Peter Leow's lesson, gonna be three hours of boredom. Surprisingly, Leow gave us another project. God, I really hate all these project shit. Especially on the limitations on the people we need to have in one group and who to be picked to join. Most of guys already formed their own groups and as usual Ginseng is thrown one side until some group who pities him takes him in. Big problem at first, until we decided to throw him to a group consisting of Maggie, Gordon and him. All I can say is, good luck to the group and one more thing;
I pity da foo' who takes Ginseng in!

Soon, class ended and I can't wait to get home to take a nap. Took 168 home, slacked for awhile and then took a long sweet nap. Woke up in the evening and had my dinner.

Got home to slack and play RE for the rest of my night.

Well, there you have it, the Thursday I spent. Not so black, ain't it?

Reaching off,

Words Of Wisdom, Sentences Of Retardedness.
6:15 AM

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Well, I'm finally keeping up in updating my own blog. After such a long absence from typing here, I've finally decided to type out all sorts of wacky and awesome (well, maybe not so) adventures of SnakeUnLoved! Ah well, as said in my last post, school has started for the year. It's been a month since I've returned to that hellhole known as ITE. Love it or hate it, I still have 14 more months to go before I can get out of that place.

Here's the life in school today;

As usual, the Incredible Herb and I are the first ones to arrive in school. And as always, Herbman says weird nonsense that I don't give two shits about. Something about movies or so, I don't know, I wasn't paying attention to Bigfoot who's talking. One damn problem about the area that we always sit to wait for the teachers, mosquitoes. Goddamned flying Dracula bugs, not only they suck our blood as if it's Jell-o, they even spread dengue. Talk about being rude, these flying fuckernauts are worse than cockroaches, at least they dont bite.

Class as usual and it's MFDI, the once loved but now hated class. The teacher is just weird, a sudden change makes her all like Leow. A little spark she goes boom, yeah cut the power you will, just make sure you don't find your guts cut out of your rotting corpse, hanged to death by your own intestines. So much for demoralizing us, the entire class will fail because you don't wanna teach? Come on! I can just learn everything you can offer to teach in just 5 hours while you take 7 fucking months of bad Engrish just to make us pass! Incompetent vermin, you just love to underestimate us do you? Even Ginseng can pronounce and spell better than you!

God, enough about that fool, it sickens me to think I have been taught by this cringing piece of filth called a teacher. Never underestimate me, especially when it comes to looking down on my intellect. I may speak like a fool, act like a fool. Hell, I can even be a fool sometimes, but when challenging my wits and crossing me, I am no easy opponent.

Anyway moving on, took me awhile to get back home for some R&R. Seems that there's a delay in the class tomorrow. The first period is cancelled and we get to report to class by 12. Sweet! That means more RE5 in the night, after all, all those rage and anger got to go somewhere.

Nothing spells relaxation when seeing your character punch some freak in the face, causing his head to blow up in meaty chunks. After such a demoralizing day, some shooting and punching is Heaven, well at least to me. The RE5 demo never gets old, good place to relax and just get to know a few more friends in playing the online co-op mode. Something like a MSN, with exploding zombies and guns. Lotsa guns.

Spent the entire day doing that before going upstairs to my grandma's place for dinner. Same routine, eat, watch that 7 o' clock drama before going home to spend more time on RE5.

Seems to be a long night ahead for me, I guess I'm gonna spend my time wisely, by killing more zombies.

In the spirit of RE5, here's a cute video made by ShadowLeggy, a parody of Resident Evil and the Numa Numa dance:

Running off,

Words Of Wisdom, Sentences Of Retardedness.
6:45 AM

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Finally! After quite a while, I'm back to updating my blog. Not that anything has happened to me or my computer, I'm just lazy after having recovered from that long sore throat and flu. Anyway it feels good to be back here healthy and all to type out my posts on my blog, some say this blog is dead already. Well, I'm just reviving it, something like what the t-Virus does, except for the whole zombie thing.

Moving on, here's a little recap on December/January;
After spending a month of holidays in December, school finally reopens and 2009 arrives to kick out 2008. The entire month of January consists of dragging my lazy ass back to school (or for some people, civilized prison for kids). Chinese New Year also approaches very fast, which means I get to collect cash that comes with these pretty red packets which make kids go nuts over it.

Collection day seemed to be very productive this year, despite all the economy bullshit the people have been whining about. 300 bucks, not bad.

January passed so fast before I could say "Mother Cheeeh!". And so comes February.
Here's when it comes to the present.

Meh, another week of studies. Today's Tuesday though, I get a day off. Damn right I deserve that break, I've faced idiots like Mats and dumbass teachers which work when their emotions aren't pissed all over. God, somehow I wish there is a biohazard outbreak that will occur and infect all those people whose IQ are below 75. Especially those like Mats.

So my day isn't so bad and all but I did spend my time infront of that sweet Resident Evil 5 demo.

Having a stranger online co-operating with you blowing up infected African people has never been so damn fun and relaxing (No offence to the Africans).

Feels so peaceful without having to sit in class listening to idiotic people talking and teaching nonsensical stuff infront of me, God I really love breaks like this. Tomorrow's Wednesday, and I have to face the MFDI teacher who seemed to have inherited Peter Leow's trait of exploding in a fury of bad Engrish.

Is it just me or my teachers have all changed in personality and methods of teaching? Not including Banou and Chameleon Eye since they have been transferred out. I mean, Peter Leow gets more gay-ish in a pedophile way, Joey Teh seemed to think all of us is challenging her in some kind of battle. Leow also becomes more lenient whereas Teh becomes like Leow in the first term.

What. The. Fuck?

Great, I'm just gonna take a break and wash my brain again, bad images seem to flood into my mind. Especially the one where Leow becomes a gay pedophile.

If you excuse me, I'm going scream in extreme terror.

Freaking out,

Words Of Wisdom, Sentences Of Retardedness.
4:45 AM

Who Am I?

Sean SnakeUnLoved
17 years old.
Currently still studying.
Just another average Joe.

Likes & Dislikes

Big Metal Gear and Guitar Hero Fan.
Avid Gamer.
Hates Assholes, Fuckers, Dicks.

Friends & Links

Zi Xuan

Words of Wisdom.

ShoutMix chat widget

The Echoes Of The Past.

October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
February 2009

Much Thanks.

Designer: Jenny

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