Sunday, November 30, 2008

Sunday, looks like there will be school tomorrow. Great, more Peter Leow. Just what I needed to start off my week the next day, certainly not looking forward to it. Luckily, my holidays is just a week away. 3 weeks of rest calls for good time to play and be crazy. Anyway I'm getting sicker by the day, thanks to lack of sleep.

Well, I guess today won't be that good, or will it?

Slept quite well compared to the other day I had, woke up around 12 to get ready to pass a CD to Yusheng. I was supposed to burn a CD for Fukuan because of a rehearsal, so I left the house around 1 to get to the MRT to meet Yusheng. Passed him the CD so that he could give it to Fukuan.

Went back to have my lunch and met Alan. I forgot to bring my phone along, and was tired to go back and take it with me. Slacked at Alan's place, didn't feel like going far to slack due to not feeling well. I really have to catch up with my sleep one day, not only it affects my stamina, it causes my body to be somehow more heaty.

Spent half of the afternoon there watching TV and seeing Hoe Yan playing Warcraft 3. Reminds me of the old times playing around in the block like wild kids, and then heading over to his place to just rest and cool down before going home to eat dinner. Kinda nostalgic.

During the later half of the afternoon, I followed Alan, Hoe Yan and Jerry down to the basketball court. They asked me along for a game for a few matches, I just tagged along to kill the time. At the basketball court, we met some weird people while playing. One of them is just a kid trying to act like some big shot hooligan. I mean, come on! What are parents trying to teach their kids these days? Letting their kids scolding vulgarities and finding trouble at such a young age.

That kid seems to be no older than Primary 2 or 3, his body size is just peanuts. Short and skinny, seems like he could fly away when a small breeze blows him. Hoe Yan and Jerry took him on in a 2 on 2 basketball match with him teaming up with a friend. He cusses while playing like nobody's business, it pisses people off seeing such a small fry trying to act as if he's some tough guy who can pound us into dust.

Another weird guy is this uncle who always play at the same basketball, I've heard some weird things about him in the past. This is the first time I saw him in person, according to Alan, he used to be a substitute coach for basketball in Qiaonan Primary. I got to admit, he's good with basketball. Easily outscoring people without even being serious, and shoots with one hand. The only problem was his attitude. He thinks because of his skills he could look down on people, like commenting on Hoe Yan and Jerry's match saying that they suck. Really now, why are all these retarded people all over the Earth?

After spending the afternoon at the basketball court, we went to some void deck to slack and chat before going home to rest. Spent the entire evening after that playing com till 1. Because of forgetfulness, I had quite a few missed calls on my handphone. Argh, getting really forgetful these days, not really in the right state of mind this entire week.

Hope I will be fine sooner or later.


Words Of Wisdom, Sentences Of Retardedness.
8:49 AM

Weekends, what can we say about them? Just another two days where we can have R&R while escaping from the clutches of stress and schoolwork. Saturday comes again for the week, finally we get some really good rest time before school starts.

After all, many would kill to relax because of increasing stress in their schools.

This is how my R&R went.

Typical weekend morning where I wake up late, no big difference from the other days I am able to just slack and relax. I'm really tired of spending time in school, being there for my entire life since 6. It's the weekends that makes it worth it to work my butt off in class trying to hit the top and be somebody.

Had a pretty late lunch and slacked at home, feels like being a hermit, trapped at a cave with not much people to socialize with. After all, I'm not those kind of people who gets along with others easily, especially in the face. Maybe I'm just shy, or just socially introverted. It has bothered me for quite awhile, since I feel that sometimes I don't get along with people that good.

Spent the entire day just sitting around using the computer, I'm going to be sick sooner or later, because I've been easily tired and unable to focus on anything. I don't know whats going on, but I know lately my body and mind isn't the way it's supposed to be. Might be because of lack of sleep or something like that, maybe I really neglected my health.

So I just sat around and surfed the Net, found a few funny videos. There's one that poked fun of Naruto using their own dubbing, really amusing. Here's episode one:

After awhile, I just took a nap for the entire afternoon. Had some crazy dream about freaky dolls and insane people attacking me. Like something a director would make when he's on drugs.

At night, Alan and Hoe Yan came by to slack. Did the same thing like playing GH and Warcraft 3.
Same old things we always do when we slacked. I guess we do have no life, isn't it just good? Somehow, or maybe not.

Went downstairs for supper with my Dad, the guys had to go home early. Nothing much, just eating and then going home to sleep. Hope I'm feeling better later.

Moving off,

Words Of Wisdom, Sentences Of Retardedness.
4:02 AM

Friday, November 28, 2008

Whooo! It's Friday again, no more bad luck, no more waking up early the next day and certainly no sleeping early for school. What's more, there isn't school because MFDI class is cancelled. Oh jolly!
Well I guess it's a good day to just kick back and relax, after all the holiday season is near.

Thanks to the class-less day, I was able to wake up late again. Quite late, around 3pm. Looks like I really had a good sleep for the night, feels great to just sleep without worrying about the alarm clock going off or parents trying to wake you up early in the morning. Had a very late lunch and spent my day off at home.

I randomly surfed the net while trying to pass off time. When I was surfing around, I found a new video of the anticipated PSP game, Dissidia Final Fantasy. For those of you who don't know what's that, its basically a 3D one versus one fighting game. Consisting of 10 heroes and 10 villains of the Final Fantasy world. The heroes and villains comes from the 10 Final Fantasy games, from 1 to 10. Something like a huge crossover game.

Cloud and Sephiroth fanboys and fangirls are going to like this, its a video of Cloud Vs Sephiroth:

This makes it a must buy for PSP or Final Fantasy lovers, or maybe a must torrent. It justs looks so damn awesome, all of their original moves now full 3D and able to use anytime and anywhere in the battle. Sadly it's in Japanese, but no worries. There's always translation guides floating around the Internet.

Anyway I went on spending time by playing Warcraft after being bored of surfing around the net for random stuff, took me an entire day to finish about 2 or 3 games of DoTA. Not really that fun, but as long as it kills time I don't mind.

Went to eat dinner about 7 plus, and called Hoe Yan down for some LAN gaming. Spent the entire night playing Warcraft LAN. As usual we played the maps like DoTA, FoC and so on. Later in the night, we called Alan down to the coffeeshop for supper.

It was still early after we finished supper, so we went to the nearby playground to slack. Because of boredom, we resulted to playing nostalgic games such as Blind Man Tag around the playground. Because of the bad design, it makes it even more challenging to try catching a person while your eyes are closed. One wrong step, a fall that will hurt quite bad.

So, after childish fun, we went home to spend the rest of the night watching TV and then ending up sleeping. That's such a good Friday for me.

Snoozing off,

Words Of Wisdom, Sentences Of Retardedness.
9:23 PM

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Ever heard of the term, Black Thursday? Those who are very superstitious and paranoid would know the meaning of the term. It is said on certain Thursdays, one's luck can drop. Till the point where all sort of unlucky things happen one after another. I am going to show you a certain story of mine where it happened on a Thursday. Black Thursday or not, you figure, you decide.

Welcome, to an episode of The Twilight Zone.

Another early day for me, damn P.E. All of a sudden there is a last minute urgent class and I'd have to wake up butt early to get myself to school in time. God knows how tired everybody is making their way as early as possible to school. Seriously, the schedule of this school is really unpredictable. All of a sudden teachers can take insane amount of breaks without giving us adequate makeup lessons. Argh!

Luckily P.E was short, nothing much except moving stuff around here and there. See some of the guys and girls play badminton. Class lasted like 30 minutes before it ended, so much for a quick lesson before another two weeks of missing P.E. Whoopie-fucking-doo. No more dragging my ass up for early P.E lessons, at least for this month before the holidays.

Next was Chameleon Eye's class, simply just some video and checking of my group's PowerPoint. The video consists of some outdated 80's psychology class on the studies of human body language and gestures. 40% of the stuff shown on the video is either not that true, or it has been contradicted by other scientists. Anyway I don't really care much. Surprisingly the PowerPoints pleased Chameleon Eye and she let us go early. Or did we leave?

As usual, Jeev and I stayed back to wait for the girls and Fukuan's group. While doing the checks for the girl's project, something unexpected happens. Not even the psychics can predict this, Fukuan blew his top on Ginseng for being annoying. Ginseng was trying to repeat the instructions so many times while Fukuan did the work as told. A normal guy would have cracked and blown up. This is what happened.

To add insult to injury, Ginseng went outside and cry. No I am not kidding, nor I am making fun of him. I guess he gets damaged emotionally and mentally very very easily. So Fukuan's group was called to stay back, and Chameleon Eye had to talk to the group over the incident. I didn't wait too long. Went over to meet Dino for the Top Student's Seminar that I could care less.

Here's where my luck turns bad, I was supposed to meet Moh at the bus stop. But, because of us rushing, we left him behind. I was so goddamn embarassed. Felt really bad because of this, seriously bad luck is coming bit by bit. Guess Black Thursday is back all over again. Damnit!

So we registered for the Seminar, the teachers ushered us in even though we told them we were waiting for one more student who is on the way. Again strike two, can't wait for Moh. So I smsed him to come upstairs and meet us in the auditorium. Soon the seminar starts.

After two hours of boredom, we're free from the place. Moh and Christine went home first, I went with Dino to meet Danny and Kenny. Ate a late lunch at McDonalds. Maggie soon came to join us, went outside to slack somemore, then took 168 home.

Guess the bad luck streak is washing off. Hope Friday will be good. Currently spending time on the com doing random stuff.

This concludes the story of a Black Thursday, in The Twilight Zone.

In future, if you come across a Black Thursday, beware. You might be the next victim of The Twilight Zone.

Disappearing into the 4th dimension,

Words Of Wisdom, Sentences Of Retardedness.
7:47 AM

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Back to school again, time for more boring classes where teachers try their best teaching using broken Engrish. I just don't know why, does the MOE hate use ITE students or something? Giving us sideshow rejects for teachers, come on! We deserve the same chance as poly students to study, not listen to clowns trying to use bad Engrish.

Argh, the more I think about it, the more my head hurts. Lets just move on to today's happening.

As always, either me or Ginseng Herb-a-licious ends up in school first. So much for the logic of early birds gets the worm. More like early morons getting the doo-doo diaherrea dogshit. Anyway, the teacher came up to open the door and the wave of bad Engrish starts. Way to spoil my day.

It can't get any worse can it? It does, the first hour was theory lessons. Imagine the horror of waves and waves bad Engrish dancing around your ears and head while you have to endure the bullshitery of the level of idiocy. It makes people's ears bleed and babies cry. So I endured the mental and audio pains by trying my best to filter the words while playing CS. Surprisingly, it worked and I guess I survived the torture. Whoopie-fucking-doo.

Lunch break came and went, I followed the gang to the coffeeshop to accompany teacher for lunch. The food there was meh, regular average stuff. Although it was kinda dirt cheap for that much of vegetable and meat. The next class soon started, practical class. We're supposed to design some sort of calendar. Come on, the Adobe Illustrator in that lab is practically shit. How the hell do we come up with Picasso-level work with that piece-o-junk?

Thank God I finished the work soon, looks like the day is turning for the better. After class, I followed Fukuan and Ginseng to Raffles Place for some walking around and slacking. Ginseng wanted to see some antique phone, typical Ginseng and his retro tat. We went to the OUB Plaza to find this shop selling phones, apparently Ginseng came to the store 3 times in a row, eyed the same phone and even called the store twice. You should have seen the look on the shopkeepers face. Priceless.

Followed Ginseng some more and I noticed his typical Singaporean behaviour. He has to point out everything expensive and compares it to something cheap. Sigh, when will he ever learn?

After the trip to retro-land, I took a MRT home. Stupid rain, made me take another bus. Anyway even reaching home I can't really play around much. I have the PowerPoint slides to create for Chameleon Eye. Hope she doesn't mind a rough draft. Took me the entire of my night time CS to do it.

I guess thats all for today, will look forward to tomorrow.

Retro-ing into time,

Words Of Wisdom, Sentences Of Retardedness.
7:41 AM

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Tuesday's come again, which means I have a day off from class. Time for some R&R, before the week catches onto my amount of boredom and stress. Damn project is going to give me more white hair sooner or later, Chameleon Eye expects something to be done within 2 days. Well I guess I've been through worse, meh this is just the icing on the cake.

Anyway this is how my Tuesday went.

Woke up damn late because of sleeping very late, I really got to kick the habit of playing games till the middle of the night. Seriously I'm going to have alot of health issues if this goes on. Anyway Jeev was supposed to come over to my place, too bad there wasn't anything to be done yet. And I woke up at 3pm, so that kinda explains it all.

Took a very late heavy lunch, and slacked the entire day at home. The photos from Gerald should have arrived on the day, so I left my com on waiting for him to send the photos over. While doing that, I went on to kill time on PlayStation HOME. It's sort of a 3D version of MSN Messenger where you can have an avatar and a virtual home. Going around disturbing random strangers has never been so fun.

Met two random guys on HOME and slacked with them on Grand Theft Auto IV later on. Loved the party mode where we go around killing random pedestrians. Really awesome feeling, till night.

Went downstairs to eat dinner, and laughed at how Jerry walked like me because of his sprained right leg. Spent the rest of my night playing Warcraft 3 and Command & Conquer 3. Going to be another long damn day tomorrow.

That's it for Tuesday.


Words Of Wisdom, Sentences Of Retardedness.
4:30 PM

Monday, November 24, 2008

Monday blues, what can I say about it? Every Monday it's the same, we get up early, get our tired butts all the way to school and hope for the long hours in school to pass by fast. Sadly, time crawls so slow in school and we have to just suffer the boredom down there. Ah well, can't get any worse.

Here's my case of the Monday Blues,

As I've said on top, I had to get up fairly early to get to school in time. The feeling of lying back down on the bed was strong and I was really tired. No choice, school is school. I got to get my butt there. Made my way to school before the 10 o' clock class starts.

First lesson, Peter Leow. Seems that the Peter-Meter is in regular mode, no critical mass explosion of God-awful Engrish. Same regular teachings about random facts of networking and computer stuff. Brilliant.

As usual, the class is always not really settled down and the guys usually tries to piss off Peter Leow, but I guess his patience improved quite a little. No volcano explosions, for now. Today's lesson was a little more interesting, about hacking and network security. We then came across the topic of internet scams like the e-mail Nigerian Scams. Ginseng as usual has some kind of weird opinion to say, he said he printed out the copy of one of the scam e-mails and sent it to a local police post. Genius. Really genius.

We then had a 2 hour break, great. Just what I needed, dragging the day even more longer. Even after eating and slacking, we still had about an hour to kill before going back to class. Damn it, really boring while waiting for class to start. Finally, class resumed back in the old practical lab where Latha used to teach. This is where the Peter-Meter goes haywire beserk.

The guys finally ticked off Leow, and he exploded like a atomic bomb crashing into a nuclear bomb. Every Engrish insult flew out of his hamster mouth, like:

-Fry kite
-Pray pray
-Fucking (Ooh he said a bad word, naughty naughty man.)

Awesome spectacle of Engrish, everybody was shocked by his usage of the F-word. So the class went on as usual, and Leow reminded me to turn up for the Top Student's Seminar on Thursday. Jolly.

Class finally ended, I couldn't be happier to head home and rest. Took 168 back home, saw Alan and Jerry at the void deck. Apparently Jerry sprained his leg while playing basketball, now he walks like me! Kinda.

Spent the rest of the evening infront of my laptop, Hoe Yan dropped by for late night LAN-ing. Currently waiting for my supper.

Well overall Monday went quite well, looking forward to tomorrow.

Sizzling off,

Words Of Wisdom, Sentences Of Retardedness.
7:11 AM

Sunday, November 23, 2008

It's the time of the week again, Sunday. The day that we all wish that it would not end, because of the next day. Even worse, when there's a test one the next day. I guess those having holidays right now is having a jolly good time at home, not worrying about what that will come next. Well enough of pointless ranting and chitty chat, here's how my Sunday went.

Another late day that I woke up to, but damn today started off real bad. I had a really bad headache, it feels as if my brain is weighing down my head and it is damn uncomfortable. Anyway, I took my lunch as soon as I washed up. Today was not really a exciting day or anything, regular boring Sunday afternoon.

Later in the afternoon, my Mom decided to shift the furniture in my room. The old bed had to go because of the metal frame being bent badly after years of sitting, jumping and sleeping. We then spent the entire afternoon moving my TV and the study table around so that it is less cramp around the space where the TV used to be.

I had to run downstairs to help buy the wire extensions for all my equipment in my room, and the headache didn't help much. Really annoying when you're walking and your head feels like a goddamn metal brick being pounded by a sledgehammer. Took me awhile to get it done and I helped in connecting the wires and moving the last of my stuff back to place.

At least after all those moving and cleaning, my room finally feels better in a sense. Now what's left is the new double decker beds. To be honest I'm going to miss my old bed because I have been sleeping on it for like 5 years or so, changing beds just like this feels really weird.

Took a long afternoon nap before eating dinner in the evening, the nap really helps stopping the headache even though it still has the aching for a little while before completely being gone. Looks like my day got better somehow. I spent the rest of my evening surfing the Internet and playing
Guitar Hero to pass the time. Luckily there isn't any P.E the next day, don't have to wake up too early.

Well that's Sunday for me, Funday? No. Normal day? Yes.

How did yours go?

Slipping off,

Words Of Wisdom, Sentences Of Retardedness.
7:25 AM

Time for another story of my wacky life! Ah Saturdays, great time to slack and have fun. After a long week, we deserve such a good break from all those annoying stress from studying or working. How did your Saturday went? Good? Bad? Can't get any shittier?

Compare yours to mine then, here's how it went.

Same as always, I woke up very late because of the previous night of late night gaming. Nothing much to do anyway, life is just plain simple. Took my lunch and just slacked around playing com and such.

In the afternoon, Hoe Yan came over to my place to slack. We just spent the whole afternoon playing LAN at my place and slacking. After all, we got nothing better to do the whole day. Well I guess the post today will be shorter, because nothing really interesting happens other than spending the entire day infront of the computer like some kind of gigantic geek. Seriously, I can't imagine a life where people have nothing to do, no computers, no TV, not even a outdoor activity. That would suck big time.

As they always say, time flies when you're having fun. Just only a few matches of Warcraft it has already passed like 5 hours. Hoe Yan went back to have his dinner while we have ours. around 8 plus, Hoe Yan and Alan came back down to play some more Warcraft. Too bad my sports channel was cancelled because of the reason, cutting cost.

I don't see cutting one channel can save how much per year, I mean the Cable TV outside costs so much more and one channel is considered free. By cancelling that, you're cancelling one free channel. Then how the hell do we watch soccer anymore? I was looking forward to the Chelsea match during the night but because of this all of a sudden cancel, it kinda ruins the night.

So, without our beloved sports channel, we're left with no choice but spend our time at the computer. Luckily all of us have our own laptop, and there's a wireless router in my room. Really helps alot when these kind of situation comes around.

After spending more time playing LAN on our laptops, we went for supper at the coffeeshop as usual and headed home to spend the rest of the evening resting.

Guess this is all for today, a short but sweet day.

Nights everybody.

Going off,

Words Of Wisdom, Sentences Of Retardedness.
12:00 AM

Friday, November 21, 2008

Hey guys! Friday's here! Finally, a break from school and everything. Although there is this stupid phase test that I have to go through. Anyway, this is how I spent my day and everything else that goes with it.

Woke up quite early to get to school, reached there about 8 plus. Surprisingly, Maggie also came early. So, Maggie, the Herb and I waited for the teacher to open up the doors and let us use the computer. Luckily the test didn't start that early and we had time for a little last minute recap of what is done the past few lessons.

The test soon started, it was kinda smooth while doing the work. But the low temperature and lack of coffee really starts to kick in. My left hand was trembling a little and I couldn't align the pictures properly, not only that, I couldn't think that straight. Forgetting stuff seemed to be the biggest problem during the test and it almost cost me marks.

Thank God the test ended soon, as I managed to finish within my own time limit despite the obvious problems I faced. The teacher even said my work drops in quaility. How rude.

After class ended when we finished the test, my project group, consisting of Mumued "Window Boy" Shah, Amer, Gerald and Jeev decided to go over to the Fort Canning Park to finish the final parts of our research. We needed field data and pictures, the problem was I didn't have my camera with me. Luckily Gerald went back to bring his camera to help us, and he brought 2 there. How kind.

We then toured around Fort Canning Park, played around with the 9mm cannons, ran around the Sally Ports and all sorts of silly crap. We also visited the graves of the brave fallen ones who died defending Singapore, and the Keramat of a Malay Sultan named Iskandar Shah (WTF?!)

Overall, it was a great time slacking around and doing the project at the same time. Really enjoyed the day, after the Fort Canning excursion thing, Gerald went to meet his friends, leaving the 4 of us. We went around slacking, and ended up at Penisular Plaza. Shabby place with not too shabby stuff sold there. We also passed by a shop that Ginseng would drool all over after seeing it, retro 80's computer parts. Ugh.

Went home by MRT and met my Dad on the way home. At night, Alan and Hoe Yan dropped by to spend the evening playing Warcraft. Ate supper outside and got home by 3 am. Great day.

Well, today's post is very short due to high exhaustion. Will see you guys tomorrow.


Words Of Wisdom, Sentences Of Retardedness.
8:33 PM

Thursday, November 20, 2008

A-yo people! Thursdays, ah what jolly times. Having classes with the Chameleon Eye is just pure fun. Bah who the hell am I kidding, Thursdays for me just suck. Not only it's a long day, the lessons just purely suck. Sometimes I wonder, where do they get these sideshow rejects as teachers from? The circus? Maybe.

Anyway, this is today's story of wacky stuff, sideshow retards and bad Engrish.

Woke up around 8 plus, luckily today's class starts at 9. Took a cab to school because of my Dad using the car to get to work. Damn it, a trip from Tampines to Bedok costs me 10 bucks?! Argh, damn petrol prices rising and risen taxi fares. Everything that's got to do prices and money rises, except for people's wages and pays. That fair? Nope.

As usual, we waited for the Chameleon to open the door and I had to sit outside. Ginseng is always there first, luckily there's Shah (Mumued/Window Dude) to accompany me. Class started as usual and our group settled on the issues of the project work. Some of our research can't be printed due to printer problem. Luckily we brought the soft copy before Chameleon Eye goes batshit on us again.

We were then shown a slide show about the projects did in the past by our seniors. Meh, nothing special except for one that says there's a Merlion in China (Damn Melamine producing bastards.) and a story of this guy who serves the UN Peacekeeping Forces. You got to see the look on the girls' and Ginseng's faces when the photos of a bullet wound, a severed arm being reattached and some kid getting an eye infection and getting it removed (Oh, the irony. I'm looking at you Chameleon Eyes.). Priceless expressions of disgust and fear.

After class, we went for the lunch break. Fukuan said that Ginseng did something stupid again in his group (Doesn't Ginseng always do something stupid?), we were given time to plan how the project is going to be done from start to end. So in the middle, Fukuan's group written "Creating Powerpoint Slides for Presentation". Ginseng went to tell him, next step, putting in animations. Like, it's out of point. Everything is summarized in the point above, putting animations is a priority? Wow.

Next came Peter Leow's class, which is the usual boring stuff like easy computer knowledge taught in bad Engrish. God, it's just damn boring. So, out of boredom, we took some boring photos. One of it is Ginseng posing (Oh my God!)

Nice 80's model posing, real retro man. Is he being arrested or something? Putting his hands on his head. Maybe it does make sense, arrested for being uhhhhhhhhhh.......

Mumued "Window Guy" Shah making his legendary appearance.

Leow's class soon ended and I made my way back home via bus. Seems like a not too bad Thursday compared to the previous ones I had. It has retarded moments, funny Engrish and 40% more bad Engrish from Leow. Well, isn't it just good?

Slept in the afternoon because of total exhaustion. Woke up to spend the whole night using the computer surfing the Net. I guess tomorrow can be better without the phase test bugging the entire class. Hope I can do it correctly and quickly.

By the way, what the hell makes Twilight so damn popular?

I'll tell you what, sparkling vampires. I ain't kidding.

Sparkling off,

Words Of Wisdom, Sentences Of Retardedness.
7:25 AM

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Hello, hello and thrice hello! It's school for me yet again, after spending one day off on Tuesday. Wednesdays are my favorite school days, right next to Fridays. MFDI classes are known to be quite slack and we get to do our own things while learning something. Don't you just love the irony?

This is how my day went today.

I had to wake up around 6 plus in the morning because of school and my Dad needing to use the car. Damn, so much for a good sleep. Anyway, I got dragged out of bed and prepared to leave the house for school. Again, I'm the first one there, well maybe not. The Wandering Herb always wanders early in the morning, alone. Really strange guy.

So, I ended up right beside the Herb guy because I reached the school early. As always, the guy always speak about topics that is really very out of place. Well, I didn't really care for what he said. I just continued listening to my music while just nodding my head pretending to hear, not that I'm a douche or anything but I just feel awkward sometimes talking to him.

Anyway, class started as usual. No assignments today, just practice for the phase test coming on Friday. Doesn't seem too hard, the usual stuff like scaling the pictures and editing the fonts on the text. I'm sure this test will be easy for everybody and all will pass. Surprisingly what we've learnt for 3 weeks can be summed up in just a page of simple instructions. I guess most of us are going to Poly after all.

During the class, they had to start painting the classroom doors while we're inside with air-con. Are they trying to kill us? Whose good idea is it trying to paint when somebody's in it? Thank God the teacher let us go on a break while they finished painting. Follow the guys to slack outside of school during break time, as well as meeting up with the teacher and the girls at the coffeeshop outside. Got back to class and class resumed as usual.

Class ended same time as usual, as always, I went with the guys to slack outside before making my way home to slack. Did the same usual stuff at home, surf the Net, downloaded some games and apps, play more games. That is how my night went.

Great, tomorrow we're having Chameleon Eye's class. It's going to be a long, long day ahead of me tomorrow. Well, that's about it folks. Will see you guys tomorrow.

Going off,

Words Of Wisdom, Sentences Of Retardedness.
7:32 AM

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Hey friends! Whew, a off-day. Tuesdays are my favorite day to spend. Why? Cause' I don't have school to tire myself out and stress my mind. No stress, no exhaustion and certainly no bad Engrish. How did your Tuesday went?

Well, here's how mine went.

I woke up late again because of spending too much time last night playing games and eating the Mega McSpicy. Couldn't sleep soundly so I stayed up very late, anyway I woke up to eat lunch not breakfast. Great.

Went to the coffeeshop downstairs to have my lunch, head home to slack infront of the computer. I was to meet Adam at 4:30 to watch Quantum Of Solace and eat dinner at the coffeeshop in the Street 21 district at Tampines, so I had time to kill before going out to meet him.

Spent my afternoon surfing the net, watching Youtube videos. Don't feel like touching Warcraft 3 today cause' I'm getting a little tired of playing it every single day even though I'm a addict to the game. 4:30 approached soon as I prepared myself for the plans of the rest of the day. Firstly, I brought something to pass to my Dad who was waiting at Tampines Mall, and then went off to wait for Adam to arrive.

Soon after, he arrived and then Gerald Teo came to join us. We then made our way to the E!Hub at Pasir Ris Downtown East. That place is real nice, not too crowded and not too quiet. Just nice. Also, Adam seemed to like the place alot. Good lookout for hot chicks passing by us, and by God he's right. I've seen a few really hot girls around the cinema. Guess I found a new hangout spot with my friends!

We bought the 5:15 ticket for the movie and we entered 5 minutes late. Just nice for the action scene where Bond fights the suspected traitor, which by the way is cool. The movie was really not too bad, even though it lacks certain essence of a true Bond movie. Daniel Craig wasn't exactly the right guy to play as Bond, but he managed to pull off a average Bond in both Casino Royale and Quantum Of Solace. Although, it can't be compared to older Bond movies such as From Russia With Love.

After watching the movie, we went to the coffeeshop at the Street 21 district to eat dinner, Thiam Ming joined us. The crab isn't too bad, compared to other seafood restaurants in the area. The fried rice is nice though. Overall, I had a good dinner and Adam accepted me into his group, TR. We then went to slack at the nearby block before going over to Adam's place.

I got to admit, Adam knows how to style up his house. Even though from the outside it looks plain, the gadgetry makes up for everything. He has a good CPU, dual monitors (One being HD) and a amplifier for a speaker. Not only that, his 360 is right beside his computer. Really cool place, and a good hangout place for TR.

So after playing Gears Of War 2 and Soulcalibur IV at his 360, I went home to call it a day. Bathed, prepared for school tomorrow and wrote this post.

Hope your Tuesday was as good as mine! Catch you people later!

Zooming off,

Words Of Wisdom, Sentences Of Retardedness.
8:02 AM

Monday, November 17, 2008

Hello Comrades! Had a great Monday? I know those of you back at home relaxing and enjoying your holidays, it's the same. As for people in Poly/JC/ITE, hoped your day was good!

Here's how my Monday went,

Second P.E lesson off for the month, thank God for the carnival. Saves me alot of exhaustion by waking up so early and having to spend the whole day being so damn tired. Anyway, I reached school before the P.E lesson ends. Saw something damn hilarious.

The Amazing Herb-Man Ginseng was playing Monkey (If you don't know what it is, its a game of ball passing. There will be one guy trying to catch the ball called the "monkey" and the others will pass the ball around. If one person misses and lets the monkey gets the ball, he/she becomes the monkey.) with some of our classmates. God, it's damn funny. He can't catch even a ball travelling slower than a Grandma trying to walk at a slow speed. Seriously, what RAM is he using? 32MB? He has slow reflexes, slow speech, a weird attitude and bad looks. How more can he be cursed?

So, after the funny incident with Ginseng, we made our way to Peter Leow's class. Goddamn I thought it would be a good day. I don't know who just love to interfere with our class's business, he/she/it/whatever went to complain our class ends too early. So, as a result, we have to stay for full time. Goddamnit! People these days just love to stick their noses out in the cold and do what Singaporeans does best: Complain! Look just because we end early, it affects you so damn badly? Did somebody put a knife at your neck and force you to complain? I know I would after you did this, and I will do it Rambo and Saw style!

Whoever is reading this blog and is the person who can't keep their hands in their pockets and has to complain, beware. You just pissed off an entire class who isn't likely to mess with. Mark my words, if I ever find you, I'll show you what it's like sticking your goddamn nose into a vat of concentrated white phosphorous tank and then shoved into a goddamn meat grinder!

Because of whoever, we had Peter Leow's lesson from morning till 4 in the afternoon, when we could have left at 2. The class wasn't too bad, but I could have been at home trying to sleep instead of filling up one hour of empty class.

So, after school, I went back home to relax. Reached home about 6, no time to sleep. I have to help prepare dinner and find time to surf the Net. Took my dinner, and spent the whole evening playing Warcraft, Guitar Hero and watching Youtube videos. The usual stuff.

Luckily, my Dad is gonna buy me some Mega Mcspicy for supper. Well, after what happened today, I guess the burger makes it up for quite abit. But hell, there goes my early let-off days.

Whoever complained, you better stay out of our business. Unless you want unwanted attention.

Dasdavania Comrades, I will be enjoying the rest of my night with burger and Guitar Hero.

Signing off Comrades,

Words Of Wisdom, Sentences Of Retardedness.
8:38 AM

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Hey guys! Finally, the end of the weekends, Sunday. I'm sure alot of you hate Sundays, especially those having school. Got to sleep early, and dread for Monday to come. Ah well, at least I got the next weekend to look forward to.

Anyway, here's how my Sunday went.

Again, I woke up quite late because of the night before. Really tired especially playing the whole day of sitting in front of the computer and play. Well it's a good sleep anyway, it's one of those times where you'd wish you could sleep even longer without worrying a damn thing. So I woke up to eat lunch, and booted up my laptop to begin spending my day.

After playing two matches of DoTA at my laptop, I was reminded that I had to go take passport sized photos for the new EZ-Link card. Seriously, what the hell? I just got a EZ-Link card for ITE students less than one year, I have to go change another one. Who's retarded idea is this anyway? The LTA sure knows how to create trouble for us. Damn government.

Because of that, I had to drag my ass all the way to Tampines Mall to get my picture taken. I just feel lazy to walk all the way there, but sucks to be me. So after walking like 5 minutes or so, I went to the basement of the mall and took my picture at the photo developing store. Told me to wait for 20 minutes to have it developed. While waiting, I went upstairs to the arcade to pass the time.

Sadly, I don't want to spend any money on credits to play games. After all, Mom handed me the cash and wanted change back. Well, I'll just stick around and see people play (Even though I have the urge to just buy a Powercard and play one game.) Saw people kicking ass (Or their ass being kicked) on Tekken 6 and House of the Dead 4. Both are some of my favourite games in the arcade, I also saw the new Rambo game. Looks promising, I might try it when I have the chance.

I went back down to collect my photos and made my way back home. Now the photo thing is settled, I went back spending more time on my laptop. Not feeling like playing anything, I went to surf around Youtube. Stumbled onto the videos of Red Alert 3, man the officers in the game are more like porn stars. And Kelly Hu is hot, she's the officer for the Japanese Army (Called the Empire of the Rising Sun, how cheesy. But hey, it's Red Alert, super cheesy game with mindless fun!)

So after eating my dinner, I continued spending my time infront of the computer. Really bored these days, and sadly tomorrow's Monday. I got to see the infamous Peter Leow again (Oh boy, more bad Engrish)

Well I hope tomorrow will be better and hope your day was great too.
Will see you guys tomorrow!

Poofing off,

Words Of Wisdom, Sentences Of Retardedness.
8:42 AM

Saturday, November 15, 2008

A-yo people! Time to blog what's going on around my wacky life. Having a good time people? I hope you are! Well here's how I spent my day.

It goes like this, I woke up damn late today. Last night I really had a damn late night, slept around 4 because I spent too much time on my computer. Sometimes I wished that time doesn't fly when we're having good ol' fun. Ah well, life is life, too bad for us then.

Woke up, ate my lunch and started Guitar Hero-ing. Quite relaxing, especially playing slow songs when you're just casually playing the game. Anyway it's quite a slow weekend. Worth the entire week slouching in class hearing bad Engrish and semi-bald headed people trying to unleash their anger on us. Thank God Peter Leow had lesser class during the week, I needed the break anyway.

So, after awhile of Guitar Hero-ing, Iman and Hoe Yan dropped by my house. Spent the entire afternoon playing GH and DoTA (Grr, really hate the fact I'm always the first target to kill, I know I'm noob, but come on! Target someone else!). Had a real great time owning each other (Or getting owned.) in DoTA. It's times like this that makes me love life even more.

Went down for dinner at the nearby coffeeshop, and came home for more gaming. Hoe Yan and Alan came down to spend the evening with me playing even more Warcraft 3 (I know, we're Warcraft addicts. Can't help it.) and we had lotsa fun.

We then went for supper at the nearby coffeeshop (Saves alot of money I tell ya.), and went home to slack even more. Looks like it's going to be another long night.

Sorry if today's post is kinda short, I'm really tired. See you people tomorrow.

Snoozing off,

Words Of Wisdom, Sentences Of Retardedness.
7:49 AM

Friday, November 14, 2008

Yo homies! Sup' people? Having a great week? I know I had a good slow peaceful week. Looking forward to the weekends, are you? I know I am. Here's how did my Friday went

I had to wake up very early in the morning to take a cab to school. Dad's using the car for his work, I suggest he does that too. I will die of leg exhaustion before I can say "Yatze!" if I was given his job as a tour guide. Anyway, I got down to flag a taxi and head my way to school.

Damn it! The cab fare from my place to Bedok ITE cost $9.70, like man what the hell? $2.70 tariff plus the $7.00 fare, the taxi companies sure know how to milk our money. Well, I guess we can't blame them for everything, the gas prices risen at such a insane rate. I swear I won't take a cab in the morning just in case I end up broke.

Reached school at a very early time, seems so damn deserted. Sat down and listened to some music while waiting for the MFDI teacher to come and open the door. After like 5 minutes, the Wandering Herb Ginseng appeared. He sat down on my bench and kept quiet for awhile before talking to me.

As I said on a earlier post, he has a habit of putting "Uhhhh"s in his sentences which gets pretty annoying over time, so I just nodded while he spoke, turn my volume up and pretended I heard him speak. Funny though, I saw his mouth move but I heard music instead of his voice, perfect synchronization of the music and mouth. What a retarded sight.

Class soon started, another early day because of the teacher hurrying off to a meeting. Really now, what the hell is in those meetings that are so damn important and urgent? Don't tell me they have strippers and booze in there. Class was very slack today, just some practice for the phase test next week and playing CS.

After the class ended, we ate lunch in the school canteen. Broke these days, I feel like I spent too much money this month, got to cut down on usage. Maybe spend a little on some Playstation 3 games and a new second Guitar Hero guitar controller.Took a bus home early today, played some Guitar Hero, took a short nap and slacked at home till dinner.

Alan and Hoe Yan then dropped by to visit me, played some Warcraft 3 and slacked at my place.
Good times, owning each other on DoTA and ElementTD. Really good times. Later in the night, we went to eat supper at the nearby coffeeshop, after a long gaming time, we sure get hungry.

Slacked outside for awhile, came home and wrote this post.

Alright homies, that is all for the Friday post. See you on the weekends!

Slacking off,

Words Of Wisdom, Sentences Of Retardedness.
8:17 AM

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Hey y'all! How are you people? I hope your day is as good as mine. Bah, who am I kidding, my day is not really great. Just regular a boring school day, really envy those who're having holidays right now. Slacking all the while, whereas those still having classes have to wake up in the morning and head for classes.

Anyway, heres how my day went.

Woke up early today because of the period taught by that freaky eyed Maggie Lai, never liked her classes. It's just weird, shes just a little stuck up like her right eye and has that proud attitude that pisses people off. Great, it's going to be a beautiful day for me.

Got to school early and settled into the class, soon the lesson began. We started off watching some documentary about people who help plan parties for a living. Seems that we're supposed to learn about how can we be more efficient while doing our project, as well as reducing the time spent on doing the project. The only problem was, we were too distracted by the video showing hidden messages about a gay British guy trying to hit on guys. (No offence to other British people, the guys in the documentary was just too obvious, plus the main guy was British)

Then, Chameleon eye wants to see our project that we're supposed to do like 2 weeks ago on the research part. Argh, Amer and I didn't do anything about the research. I totally let it slip my mind, so did Amer. Thank Fucking God, Shah and Jeev did some research. They covered both our asses from the chameleon from being lizard food for the day. Thanks alot guys, really owe you guys one!

So, after nearly being punished for being so lazy and forgetful, we moved on to doing some project planning on a sheet of mahjong paper. Took us awhile to plan out all of the stuff. We then received a call from Peter Leow saying that class is cancelled. Oh Thank Merciful God, no bad Engrish and semi-bald guys going all PMS on us! Whoohoo! Day's gonna be great!

After school ended for the day, I followed Fukuan, Alvin, Wai Hei and Jeev to McDonalds for lunch. If the next time you head to McDonalds for lunch, make sure to try the Mega Macs. Double McSpicy made a good return after going missing for two years or so. God, the patties have improved since then, thicker and juicier. Although I miss the garlic chillies. Damn you McDonalds!

Bottom line, the Mega Macs are worth $7.95 and they're awesome.

I made my way home after lunch, stayed at home. Played some Guitar Hero and went to have a haircut. My hair's too thick and it's getting itchy at times, got to thin it a little. Feels great after cutting. After eating dinner, playing more GH, I came to blog today's post.

That's all for today, see you tomorrow.

Jolting off,

Words Of Wisdom, Sentences Of Retardedness.
6:38 AM

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Hey y'all! Good day we're having, yes? I guess not many are really enjoying because they have school/are bored/stoned/whatever. Well then, here's how I spent my day.

Starts of with school, I got to wake up early for MFDI which is like 8 in the morning. Everybody's tired this term because 80% the classes are right in the morning. I wished the old timetable is back again, but then again, MFDI classes end at 1pm. Guess that evens out the score.

Anyway, surprisingly by 9 most of the class still haven't turn up. Real strange? More like shitload of excuses once they enter. (Well, except for a few real reasons.) Class starts as usual and we did all the usual stuff like CS, Adobe Photoshop/Illustrator/Whatever. So when we're doing our work halfway, April Cheong entered our class and said there's a AIDS Awareness Concert or something like that and we're supposed to go. Well it's a ticket to get out of class, why not?

So we went to slack around while the concert is on, damn theaterette. It's packed with students and teachers, we wanted to support our pal Fukuan but damn we can't get in. Sorry bud. We just slacked around the canteen for awhile, nothing much to do.

Back in class, we resumed our work. Then Ginseng started to ask the teacher some questions, and some of us made a observation. From the first time we heard him speak, his sentences always goes like this:
"(Insert word/name/thing here), uhhhhhh, (Insert more uninteresting garbage here), uhhhh...."
It can go as long as he wants it to. Now I'm not trying to joke about him here but, as a guy who listens, it gets annoying time to time. What's his deal man? Slow speech RAM?

After the class, I took a bus home. Didn't slack outside much cause I wanted to get ready for the meeting with Adam and Thiam Ming's birthday. Went home, changed and took a MRT to City Hall to meet up with them. From there, Adam introduced some of his members of his group and we went to slack while waiting for birthday boy to appear.

Thiam Ming then arrived, we went for dinner at Fish & Co. It's funny though, the workers there are really enthusiastic. When Adam told them one of the group is having his birthday here, they got readied a song for him and gave all of us 10% discount for our meals. Not bad, I like the service there. Thiam Ming also paid for dinner for all of us. Thanks man! And Happy Birthday!

After some drinking and slacking, I went off together with Yaoguang and Noureen. After all, I had another early class the next morning. Going to be a really long night of sleep.

Took a MRT home, bathed and started blogging. Really tired for today.
Will see you guys tomorrow.

Snoozing off,

Words Of Wisdom, Sentences Of Retardedness.
7:20 AM

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Hey y'all! Great to see you guys! More wacky stories of me doing stupid stuff! And all sorts of everyday things that you an I go through, except more wackier. Let's get onto business shall we?

Today is an off day for me. No class, no school. Still, the damn project is bugging me like hell. The team only has another two days before we have to produce some crap for Miss Freaky Eyeball. Just great, we only did like 30% of the research, so I decided to hold a group research at my place. I called Jeev, Amer and Mumued Shah over to get some work done.

Woke up at around 11am, I was surprised none of them called me. I thought we were meeting for breakfast, but since they didn't call or anything, and me being so damn lazy, I feel back asleep for another hour or so. When I turned on my laptop after waking up, I saw Jeev online, told him to come over. As I waited, I ate my lunch, played Guitar Hero for awhile before they arrived.

So they came, Amer and Jeev reached my place first. We decided to slack awhile before Shah arrived with the research and all. I got ready the drum sets and guitar, and started playing Guitar Hero's band mode. Soon after like more than 10 songs, I called Shah and asked where is he, apparently he was on the bus, so I guess we have more time on our hands on GH. Played somemore till Shah came up.

By the time Shah came, we were to engrossed in the game. So he got dragged in as well. Here are some of us caught red handed playing while not doing work.

Look at Amer drumming, see his intense concentration on trying to hit all the notes. Really professional! (Damn handphone cameras! They suck balls!)

Another picture of him drumming, seriously he's great at it. He managed to beat some songs which are very confusing at some points. Good job bro!

The guitarist playing one tough song. Look at the concentration! Really impressive.

Mork and bull and...........MUMUED SHAH!!

The entire gang's here with style! (Except for me who's behind the camera)

Shah and Jeev, enjoying sia.

After all those playing, we realised we forgot all about work! But, there's always a saviour ready to save us, what it is? Wikipedia! The best place to copy, paste, print and present. Comes in handy when we need urgent research done, also a good website to use for cheating during exams which requires us to use computers. So, we decided to just copy and paste some info, called it a day at my house and went over to S-11 for some dinner.

We then headed to Sunplaza Park after eating dinner and accompanying Mumued Shah to the library to borrow some books. Well we weren't so lucky to see a certain rumored Malay female vampire or a guy wrapped in white cloth hopping all over. Thank fucking God. We however did slack at the playground, monkeyed around with the swing and the flying fox. Also, we climbed onto the elephant slide for no reason. Childish fun at the best.

After all those, we went our seperate ways. I took a bath when I reached home, and started GH-ing and blogging. Guess that's what I'm gonna do the whole night.

That's it people, the end.
Come back for more!

Teleporting into nowhere,

Words Of Wisdom, Sentences Of Retardedness.
6:24 AM

Monday, November 10, 2008

Howdy there people! This is another wacky episode of Life With SnakeUnLoved! Thanks for dropping by my friends, today's post is just as wacky as other days. Plus, 60% more goofiness! So here it is, todays post!

Ah, Mondays. The day where all of a sudden all those fun times during the weekends become dull and gray like something out of a rag and bone man. Isn't it magical when we dread for Mondays to come because of work/school? Lucky for the rest of you in secondary school/primary school, you guys should appreciate your holidays instead of complaining being bored at home. When you feel bored, think of us in ITE/Polytechnics/Junior Colleges. You'll definitely feel so much better.

Anyway, thanks to the carnival I went on last Friday, I don't have an early P.E class today. "Hurray!", I thought, more sleep. Suddenly, my phone rang. Teresa called me asking about P.E. Great, good morning call there, it actually saved me from being late due to weather problems. No sooner as I stepped out of the house, the skies turned dark gray. And when I reached school, it started to rain so damn heavily. Thanks Teresa for waking me up in the nick of time!

After P.E, it's Peter Leow's lesson of PC Parts and Bad Engrish. Surprisingly The Wandering Herb didn't turn up for Peter's lesson. Wait a sec, Ginseng missing a lesson?

I guess Armageddon is so damn near, Ginseng NEVER misses any lesson. Instead he appears everywhere that's got to do with school.

As if this day can't get any weirder, Peter Leow is wearing a Polo Tee without tucking in. I'll be straightforward and frank, he looks like a damn dork with balding hair. Not even his clothes can save his image. Well, I guess nobody except himself or the Fashion Police can help him. Poor guy.

Lesson's same old stuff, nothing really that interesting done for the theory lesson. Just listen to his Engrish like crick, crock, brue, brack. Argh, my ears!

Then comes the practical lesson. Finally! Something interesting happens! Ebby made the Peter-Meter rocket sky high. Leow exploded in a fury of bad Engrish and saliva, unleashing it at Ebby. Sad it lasted for like, 3 minutes? Ah well, I can't stand his voice either, Thank Merciful Heavens!

The Wandering Herb appears, saying that he missed the first period cause he forgot, and he was at home watching Channel 8's 80's Serials. Very nice, now go fetch me a manual typewriter.

After the practical lesson, went to slack with the guys and ate lunch with them. Nothing much, same old slacking times. Reached home and slept awhile, then played GH:World Tour the whole night. Unlocked a few new songs. Nothing much.

Around 12 am , I went out with Jerry and my Dad to eat some roti pratas. Came back home, more GH and typing of my blog.

Well then people, I'll see you on tomorrow's post! Do remember to tag and enjoy the posts!

Flying off,

Words Of Wisdom, Sentences Of Retardedness.
9:09 AM

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Hey peeps! Good to see all of you again on my blog! Well it's Sunday, one more day till we have to go back to school or work. The day that we wished that it would last longer. Today's a special day for me though, it's the day I receive a very early birthday gift from my dear father. Thanks Dad! That gift meant alot to me because I wanted it for quite awhile and I with my friends as a whole group. Without further ado, heres the story of how it happened.

It started off as a regular Sunday, but I was waiting for today to come. When I woke up in the morning, I found that my Dad left me the birthday money. I was happy enough to see that both my parents allowed me to go shop for my own gift. Excited enough, I quickly left my bed, washed up and ate my lunch.

However, due to some stupid rain, I had to wait another half an hour or so. Grrr, I've waited long enough to let this delay any longer. As soon as the rain stopped, I went down to the nearby video game store to grab my gift. Now if you're wondering what am I going to get, it's the entire band kit of Guitar Hero: World Tour. Oh what joy!

Jerry and Hoe Yan accompanied me to the video game store to purchase the kit. The entire package is huge man! Here's how the box looks (Sorry for the bad quality, my phone's camera sucks.)

After purchasing my gift, we headed for my place and started to open up the kit. It came with the game,

We then assembled the guitar, as seen here:

And then finally we assembled the drums,

Altogether it is a awesome band kit made by the Guitar Hero company, Red Octane and Neversoft. Kudos to these awesome companies who made such a successful franchise known as Guitar Hero.

Needless to say, we spent the entire day playing with the game in band mode. Tried songs like What I've Done by Linkin Park, Hotel California and Eye of the Tiger (Awesome Song!). The vocal part is something new, we have to align our tone and make sure every word sang is correct. To make things easier, they provided lyrics on screen for our convenience. How thoughtful of them.

Surprisingly, our band, consists of Jerry, Hoe Yan, Iman and me sucked really hard at first. Even though we had some experience with Guitar Hero in the past, we sucked real bad. But after two or more songs, we improved alot. To the shock of the group and I, I managed to sing What I've Done without losing, even getting a 4x score mulitplier. Jesus, I am known to not pronounce words properly and I can sing? Good Lord, this must be a dream or a joke.

After spending the entire day and even night playing, I put aside the game and finished Peter Leow's homework (Damn! Almost forgot on that one. Thanks Fukuan for reminding me in the nick of time!). Also, I came to wrote this post.

Well then, that's about it for today's post. Since there's still time because of the absence of P.E tomorrow, I shall go play more Guitar Hero.

Stay beautiful peeps! And don't do drugs!

Rock on!
Signing off, SnakeUnLoved

Words Of Wisdom, Sentences Of Retardedness.
7:29 AM

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Yo people! Another post, another episode! Finally it's the weekends, everybody must be enjoying themselves outside or at home, free from any school related stuff. Thank God people invented the weekends, if not we'd be overworked and go insane. Anyway, hope you guys enjoyed your weekends well.

Moving on to today's happening, it's a good day to wake up late. Another quiet Saturday spent at home, woke up during lunch time as always and took my lunch right after waking up. Peaceful weekends are the best to rest and relax after a stressful week, nothing much to do at home. Ah well, it's times like this that makes life worth living.

The whole afternoon is spent by me sitting me infront of the laptop, holed up and surfing the net. Seriously man, nothing funny or retarded has happened for the past 4 hours. I guess today's post will be a little more shorter since it's such a peaceful day.

Used the computer till I'm tired, so I went to take a long afternoon nap. Woke up and took my dinner, luckily my upstairs neighbours came down to slack with me. Iman and my old schoolmate Alan with his bro Hoe Yan came down to slack, brought two more laptops and started a home LAN shop. Thank God for my router, I can split my internet to all the computers inside my room.

We had a great time playing DoTA and ElementTD in Warcraft 3. Really fun time playing with each other, had fun scolding each other when either of us got killed, disturbed each other. Mindless childish fun. Not only that, we watched the entire night's worth of live soccer. We also went to eat supper at a nearby coffeeshop in the middle of the night. Just like old times.

Well that's sums up what happened today, nothing much happened. Pretty quiet day and really peaceful. Don't worry, wacky stuff will happen sooner or later, I can smell it.

That's all folks!

Signing off,

Words Of Wisdom, Sentences Of Retardedness.
9:01 AM

Friday, November 7, 2008

Bonjour people! Here's another episode of SnakeUnLoved's Misadventures! Starring SnakeUnLoved as Sean! Apeks as Apeks! Anyway I see people loving this blog for laughs and thanks for reading all this while and enjoying it. I really appreciate it. :D
Well guys without further ado, let me bring you today's episode:

Finally, Friday has arrived. Everybody's favourite day, the weekends are just behind our asses, ready to pass by us in light speed. Well who cares? We'll just enjoy it anyway. Besides, today is MFDI. Awesome class, awesome computers, awesome shitty Engrish. Pure awesome-ness. We started class as usual, did all the practical as usual, played CS as usual. Except for the fact that some fags from the DMD course has to spoil our game and we have to gang up on them. 10 against 2, EAT THAT DMD FAGGOTS!

Ahem, after kicking some pussies' asses, we had lunch in school. But, we ain't going home early. We have some carnival to go to, and we volunteered ourselves to go. Wow! First time we're so enthusiastic about some kiddy carnival! Actually there's a gimmick behind this, we go for the carnival, we got 4 P.E lessons off with all attendance for the 4 lessons marked. Fair trade-off? I thought so. Problem was, nothing went as smoothly as we thought it would be.

First of all, there was a delay in the schedule of the bus. We had to wait another hour or two for the goddamn bus apek to drive his old piece of shit here to bring us there. Second of all, the bus was a 40 seater crap and three classes are supposed to squeeze into the piece of scrap metal. Now where that leave P class? In the freaking public transport! We had to fucking take a public transport there!

Ah well, it isn't that bad. We had a few laughs. Besides, we have our jokester, the Legendary Wandering Herb *drum rolls*.....GINSENG! (Silence followed by a loud audible fart.) He's a sucker for everything, good target for scams. It has been proven scientifically by Dr. SnakeUnLoved, PhD in Psychology Of Slow Minds & Weird Stuff.

Today's observation, Ginseng believing an obvious lie. It is observed that the species known as Ginsengus Herbaliciousdumbnuts, or Ginseng, succumbs to an obvious lie on a phone call. He called Fukuan to ask where the rest of the class was. Apparently, he went to the carnival two hours earlier and wants to wait there for us. He asked Fukuan what color was the bus we were sitting in. We told him, it was pink with obvious snickering and laughing beside the phone which is audible even to a deaf guy. His response: "Uhhh okay ah! I will wait for you people there ah! Hurr!" Surprisingly he called again with the same question, and believed the same answer pink.

Fascinating species this unmasjestic creatures are, I smell a documentary soon.

Moving on, after a tiring journey to the carnival, we stayed there for an hour or so for our attendance to be taken. While we were there, Faiz went to try some of the games. He managed to win the Rodeo Riding ride (It is just a machine shaped like a bull and it moves to throw you off, once you fall off a few times you lose) Faiz sat on the bull's head and just held on to it, it was hilarious and all of us enjoyed it somehow. Guess it wasn't a trip wasted. Yay!

After the carnival, some of them went home. Leaving me with Daniel, Nad, Naby, Faiz and Shah (Mumued). We went around slacking since it was early, had some kiddy fun in Toys'R'Us (Hey, sometimes we just have the kiddy urge to have fun!) Shopped around and fooled around. After that, I went off and met my dad. Had a late dinner and took the MRT home. Came home to take a cool shower and wrote this post.

I guess that's about it for today's post. See you guy's on tomorrow's episode!

With much love,

Words Of Wisdom, Sentences Of Retardedness.
7:45 AM

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Hola people! Thanks for reading another episode of The Misadventures of SnakeUnLoved! Love you guys! (FYI it's regular love, not the gay kind.) It's good to see some people reading my misadventures and laugh at all the retarded stuff. I hope you guys will continue to read this blog and enjoy it. So sit back and relax, grab a coffee/beer/tranquilizer/bottle of acid, and just enjoy the jokes and my life. Hopefully you get one or two laughs, and maybe learn something!

When you're down with a frown, come here for a smile!

All right, lets continue with today's story. I should really enjoy today because I can wake up late and I can sleep like a corpse. Hurray! Thank God Chameleon Eyes took the day off, not only it saves my energy from waking up, I don't have to see Miss Reptile speaking to me with one eye drifting to Nirvana. Seriously, go see a optimertrist or something. That eye has got to go! It makes babies cry and adults shit in their underwears.

Well anyway, I had my lunch at home and went to school. Asked my mom to give Maggie, Jas and Kenny a ride since they came to Tampines to slack. Reached school at 11:30, and we had to wait for half an hour for Peter Leow to open the classroom. Ugh, never liked to wait for class to start, it's boring and I just hate it. Ah well, the class started and I was told to disassemble something a caveman made and just slapped a label named "Hurr, Hurr! This is a computer ah!". Great, more junk stripping and reassembly. Just what I needed.

Took me awhile to disassemble that piece of shit and reassemble it back, taught Wai Hey the basics of what is inside a CPU and how to assemble it. That guy has potential, I hope he doesn't give up halfway. I mean he could understand the basics of the internal workings of a CPU, I believe he can make it. Don't give up pal!

Practical class ended quite fast for the day, Leow let us have a one hour break. There was time to kill, so I accompanied the girls to find Mr. Kwok about the warning letter thingy. When I got down to the canteen, I heard that the guys had their photo taken by a stalker hired by ITE. What's even more ironic is he appeared at the tables behind us, and confiscated Daniel & Co.'s playing cards, not leaving without taking photos. The whole group of them even posed while Mr Pedophile took their photo. Creepy.

After the boring theory lesson, I went to slack with the guys while taking a bus to the interchange. Surprisingly the Wandering Herb Ginseng took the bus with us all the way to the terminal point. If that's not weird enough, he said he's going to Mediacorp for the auditions for Campus Superstar....

Wait, what?

Ginseng + Mic + Campus Superstar?!


Jesus Christ, that has got to be a joke. Once bitten, twice shy? The Wandering Herb doesn't know when to give up! Ah well, I'm just pretending I hallucinated that and there were hot naked fairies flying infront of me.

Anyway, when I reached home, immediately after changing and all, I fell on my bed asleep.
Like a log.
Woke up at night, ate dinner, slack some more, wrote this post.

Seems to be the end of today's post. Time to say goodbye!

I do hope you guys enjoyed!

Signing off, SnakeUnLoved!

Words Of Wisdom, Sentences Of Retardedness.
6:43 AM

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Hey there guys! I'm back for more blogging and writing all sorts of garbage that happens in my life.
Like some people say, shit happens. Hell, I don't even bother counting the amount of times retarded things that happened in the past. Especially as a kid. Ahh, all those wasted moments. If only I had a blog back then, or a better internet.

Sigh. Good times, good times.

Well what's gone is gone, sucks to be me then. Anyway I'm going to start writing down all sorts of wacky stuff happening now in ITE.

Moving on, today is another school day. But it's everybody's favourite lesson, MFDI. Where everybody can multi task with a better computer compared to the piece of shit computers in Peter Leow's lab. Seriously, how old is those junk? The computer seemed to exist since the Jurassic Age and didn't die out when some freak explosion killed all our favourite giant lizards. Bah what the hell, Bedok ITE is going to be demolished in two years. And rebuilt. Too bad we're stuck in the currently old piece of shit dump called the Bedok Campus, really envy those new bastards who get the new facilities. Screw you future kids!

Well today's a surprise, the teacher lets us off so damn early because of some meeting. Is it just me, or the teachers in Bedok ITE, especially class BM0804P's teachers love to just take breaks and cut off our study time.

First there's Peter Leow with sickness and took a whole day off, then took half day off with a fucked up eyeball. Next is the MFDI teacher taking another whole day off the past week and now giving us half day. Even the half-breed chameleon/human teacher Magggie Lai is taking a one day break tomorrow. Seriously what the hell?

You don't see Q class teachers breaking so often do you? Not that I'm complaining or anything, but what the hell? What about those who wants to study? Is that fair? And where did all those promised make up lessons go? Up their assholes?

This is sadly disappointing. Lets move on.

Well after a short lesson, we got released from class. Went out to slack and eat lunch, fool around like what we always do, and took a bus home.

Reaching back home, did some research work on Miss Chameleon's project and find sources. It didn't help when I got really tired due to headaches that I fell asleep for quite awhile.

Awoke when the sun sets and ate my dinner, went back to do research.

Interesting enough, I came across a message board named 4chan, at It seemed innocent enough, but do NOT click on the Random board if you are weak hearted or prone to fainting/nauseous to some pictures. More specifically, the /b/ board.

All sorts of pictures can be found there, if you want to find out, be namy guest. All I can say is 4chan is the anus of the internet and the /b/ board is a heap of watery diaherrea of data and pictures.

But that place is cool for its wide diversity of boards for everyone. I'd say it's kinda a nice place except for the /b/ board.

Well then, that's all folks! Keep an eye on this blog for constant updates!
Signing out with love, SnakeUnLoved.

(Warning: SnakeUnLoved or Sean is not responsible for whatever happens if somebody come across certain pictures on /b/ boards. There are some pictures that are seriously fucked up, so view at your risk.)

Words Of Wisdom, Sentences Of Retardedness.
6:34 AM

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Hey people! It's time to blog about the daily life of SnakeUnLoved, after all it's kinda cool keeping a blog and regularly updating it. Not only other's can see what you've expressed, you can look back at all the things happened back in the days. Like me looking back at all the wacky stuff I am going to do in near future. :D
Anyway, bottom line, blogs are cool and those who wants to try, I'd say give it a shot.

Moving on, today is another quiet day. Every Tuesday I'd have an off day, no lessons, no bad Engrish, no Peter Leow. All peace and quiet. Love it.

Woke up in the morning to find my bedsheet's little hole has grown to a big tear, damn I liked that bedsheet. Too bad I have to throw it away, what a pity.

Took my lunch, and slacked for the day.

Really slow month compared to previous months, nothing really exciting happens these days. Just repeats of daily stuff, no big deal.

Ah well, life is life. We gotta accept what it gives sometimes. Anyway I almost forgot to do the homework for the MFDI class. The stupid T-Shirt design thing.

You know what's bad? When you know how to use the tools to design, but it's blank in your head when it comes to designing something nice. Ugh, I just hate this to happen, I'm not exactly an artistic guy so I got stumped for the whole damn day thinking of a bloody design for the T-Shirt.

Lets see, I started work around 1pm, downloaded all the brushes and made the template. Got stuck at creating a nice picture till 9pm when I gave up and made a simple design. Just great.

Slow day + Annoying homework = Annoying day.

Argh, sometimes I just wish something big will happen, like Aliens coming to attack us or some major event that'll shock us till we're left shitless. Seriously if that happens I'll be so fucking glad.

Well anyway, I managed to finish the work and decided to ask for advice tomorrow. Now I shall enjoy the rest of the night with the Beta version of Playstation HOME.

Alright guys, stay tuned to this blog for more updates and wacky misadventures of SnakeUnLoved. (If something stupid ever happens)

Stay pretty people!

(P.S. How'd you guys feel when Obama wins the election? Considering those who bother to watch the news.)

Words Of Wisdom, Sentences Of Retardedness.
6:07 AM

Monday, November 3, 2008

Hey people! Time for another post, as I said, I have nothing better to do than keep updating my blog. Oh all right, I'm kidding, I do have things to do but life these days are quiet and slow paced. Nothing really exciting happens, dull events like stock market crash and all those interest me not. This shows that the world is going to the dogs, smells like some governments have too much cash to play with, damn politicians.

Anyway, moving on, today is another school day. As always, Monday there's always P.E in the first period and the so-called loudest voice of ITE Bedok, Madam Banou (Jesus that lady can be a bloody loudspeaker amplifier just by speaking in her normal voice *shudders*) ends up either being late or missing, and then blame us students. Meh, we're used to this jackshit. Anyway P.E went on as usual, but something interesting happens.

Zul gets owned by a flying projectile, right in the face.

He was like dribbling a ball with "style", when all of a sudden Faiz kicked a volleyball straight to his face. POW! Right in the kisser! Oh man that spells EPIC WIN!

Not only it made my day, Fu Kuan and Jeev were laughing at him too. Guess this day isn't too bad.

So the next class was Peter Leow's class, nothing special except he had a case of sore eyes and had to let us leave the class very early. Sweet! Jeev and the guys also managed to piss off Leow by making animal noises. Luckily Leow had a case of sore eyes and is sick, or else the Peter-Meter will reach critical levels and he explodes in a fury of bad Engrish.

Went for lunch, eat and eat. Slacked for awhile, then made my way home.

Nothing really interesting happens at home, so I just took a nap till dinner time and took dinner.

Accompanied Amer and Jeev in Counter-Strike before Garena pissed me off by causing my client to disconnect every 5 minutes. Goddamn you Garena!

Well then, that's all for today. Take care folks, stay pretty!

Words Of Wisdom, Sentences Of Retardedness.
7:51 AM

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Hello and Potato to you all, welcome to another episode of Life With SnakeUnLoved with your host, SnakeUnLoved A.K.A Sean!

Today goes like this, wakes up during lunch time. Takes lunch, uses the computer and PS3, sounds like any ordinary day of my life.

But no, today is my granddaddy's birthday.

Worse of all, I totally let it slip my mind.

Great, and I had plans meeting my friends to slack outside. Guess that'll have to wait, again. >.>
Well after preparing some stuff, we made our way to my aunt's house for the celebration.
Damn, I didn't realise I was THAT late! They already cut the cake and sang the birthday song.
Oh boy, what joy. I'm just unlucky this year. Well that adds in to another New Year's Resolution.
"Never be late for birthdays, especially family members'"
I thought there was nothing left to do there and I would just die of boredom, especially when I left my MP3 and my PSP at home.
Just great! Strike two for Snake! Big klutz I am.
So, as always, nothing interesting ever happens in my family's gathering parties.
Well except for once when I pissed of one of my uncles and he left storming out of the house. Boy you should have seen the look on his face. Serves him right, stuck up piece of shit and waste of space.

Today's an exception though, one of my aunts brought two salesmen from church to promote some products.

Oh gee, what can they sell? New Bibles? Something that interest Christians?

You wouldn't believe what they were selling, Sanitary Pads.

Both salesmen are GUYS.

Oh the irony. Damn ironic.

Well after some demonstration and promoting, one of my aunts went up to the salesmen.

"Excuse me, do you know how cervical cancers come about?"

They claimed those pads can prevent cancers and all sorts of symptoms during a womans "time".

So it begins. A embarassing arguement over a stupid claim of sales.

Come on! Those salesmen have a job to do, they can lie all they want. They're paid to do it, who would be so nosey just to poke in and say who's right who's wrong? Sigh, adults. We never will understand them.

After that, the entire family went out for dinner at some dodgy restaurant somewhere in Bedok.
Nothing special, just eating, eating and more eating.

Went back home, wrote this post, relax for the rest of the night.

Happy birthday Granddad!

That's all folks, will update this blog frequently and hope to see you guys!

SnakeUnLoved, signing out.

Words Of Wisdom, Sentences Of Retardedness.
6:43 AM

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Hey, Hey! Post number three is up and running. I guess I'm getting the hang of posting every single day, or at least when I'm bored.

Well enough of vaguely interesting garbage, lets move on to the good stuff. When I mean good stuff, I mean retarded things happening day after day in my life.

And today's no exception.

It goes like this, stupid phone calls wake me up early in the morning, tries to sleep, can't sleep. What to do? Toss around in my bed and hope I get some sleep, or die trying. Guess I was lucky, managed to fell asleep till lunch time.

After waking up, tripping over a stupidly placed curb outside of my house, eating lunch, disturbed some friends, I went home to enjoy the rest of the day. Turning on my PS3, putting in the disc, selecting multiplayer. I went to enjoy cruising around Liberty City in Grand Theft Auto IV with random online people joining my room.

How bad can that be? One asks.

Wise question, it goes downhill from here onwards.

I thought I was lucky to enter a room with 11 people in it, after all, Liberty City is kinda huge. How much mayhem can 12 people cause in such a city?

Well I'll tell you how!

Once I entered the room, and the moment my avatar lays his feet onto the soil of the City, he got blown away by somebody's RPG.

Pop goes the Chinaman!
(My online character is customized to look like a typical China Chinese. Including the voice, it's kinda hilarious actually. Especially when he screams when I press exit out of a helicopter in mid-air.)

Worse of all, that's just the toppings only. It gets more chaotic as I continued my "journey" in Liberty City. My character gets killed in every way possible. Here's the list of deaths I encountered:

-Killed by light firearms
-Stabbed to death
-Impaled to the wall by a flying ambulance with a dumbass driver inside
-Smashed to the ground by a car that is used like a cannon ball (It flew by driving fast to a ramp)
-Squished inbetween of two fuckers who don't know how to drive
-Killed inside of a car while driving, causing car to fly off the highway (I'm not kidding)
-RPG to the gut
-Burnt to death by being rammed by a flaming car
-Stepped on a grenade without realizing it
-Being shot, repeatedly by 6 people
-Fell off the Statue Of Liberty (No shit, there IS a Statue in GTA IV, look it up)
-Crushed by a falling helicopter (The bastard bailed out of the chopper when it is high up, he died along with 6 other people who were crushed beneath, including me)

There are more deaths I got but enough is enough, I turned off my PS3 and started to write this post.

Moral of the story: Do not play with kids who are in the multiplayer mode of GTA IV. Especially homicidal ones, they chase you like they're on crack and they aim as if God gave them some kind godly scope.

Now if you excuse me, I'll go down myself with fuckloads of tranquilizers and alcohol.

Words Of Wisdom, Sentences Of Retardedness.
3:03 AM

Who Am I?

Sean SnakeUnLoved
17 years old.
Currently still studying.
Just another average Joe.

Likes & Dislikes

Big Metal Gear and Guitar Hero Fan.
Avid Gamer.
Hates Assholes, Fuckers, Dicks.

Friends & Links

Zi Xuan

Words of Wisdom.

ShoutMix chat widget

The Echoes Of The Past.

October 2008
November 2008
December 2008
February 2009

Much Thanks.

Designer: Jenny

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